Our Team

Colin 1

Colin Baldwin

Colin is our Priest-in-Charge. He is married to Vi, and they have three grown-up kids. Colin, a former architect, trained at St John’s, Nottingham, and has been ordained 20 years. Colin loves cycling and supports West Ham United. He is well known as a creative and pioneering minister, who was previously chaplain at the University of Essex and South Essex College. He is a member of the New Wine Leaders Network.


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Chuks is our Curate, helping lead worship and ministry across our three sites.



Andreas is our Office Manager. He runs the administration side of Lifestreams and studied theology at London School of Theology.

Dawn Gilbert


Dawn runs the Community Fridge and Coffee House at 213 Manners Way, for local parish of Saint Stephen's.

Liz Robinson


Liz is our Community Worker based at Saint Cedd's, building connections between the church and the local area.

Leanne 2


Leanne works at both Saint Peter's and Saint Cedd's, leading our SEND group and in our coffee house.

Our staff are supported by a wonderful ministry team comprising of our five Church Wardens, three PCCs and many active and involved members of our church family.