Lifestreams at SAINT CEDD'S


We meet on Sunday afternoons at 3:30pm for a more traditional Holy Communion service, followed by refreshments and fellowship. You are welcome to join in at any time.

Saint Cedd's Church was built in the 1950's to serve the new housing developments in the Kent Elms area. Recent history saw the church combine with the United reformed Church but in May 2018 Saint Cedd's became a sole church in its own right again under the Lifestreams banner.

This significant change means that the Church of England is investing in the area and in the coming years we hope to see much support for the local community, worship and celebration as the church becomes the central hub of the community. It will take a time to see the physical changes and feel the benefit but please drop in or contact us if you want to participate in the exciting future of this new church.



